Should AAA be Given Special Privileges to Offer License and Registration Renewal Services?
Let Us Know Your Opinion
Should the Commonwealth of Massachusetts grant AAA a Halliburton-style sweetheart deal to offer auto license and registration renewal services without any sort of competitive bidding process?Gov. Deval Patrick says Yes: The Democratic governor has announced a state partnership with AAA to offer license and registration renewal services to AAA members. Currently the six month pilot plan is limited to 2 AAA locations in Newton and Worcester, but AAA is encouraging its 2.3 million Mass members to lobby their representatives to expand the program to its other 25 MA offices.
Labor says No: "We have two basic questions for the Inspector General that the RMV will not answer. First, where does the law allow a political appointee simply to hand public jobs to a private company? Second, show us the evidence that taxpayers benefit from this act," asked David Holway, president of the National Association of Government Employees.
Governor Patrick's fiscal 2010 budget includes language authorizing the Registrar to enter into such contracts "only with an existing entity that provides automobile-related services to the general public, or to its own members if an automobile-related association, and that maintains business offices that are open to the public during hours and at locations believed to be convenient for registry customers and in areas where a continuing need exists to provide registry services."
Citing this language, Holway cautioned against a "deal" intended to steer registry functions to AAA, noting that AAA's board includes a number of politically connected individuals.
Massachusetts Association of Insurance Agents President Frank Mancini says No: "This activity is not something the state should be outsourcing to a third party." The concern is that the budget provision is worded in such a way that it could only apply to AAA, and thereby give it an unfair advantage over the roughly 1700 other Massachusetts insurance agents., the website for the MAIA, offers a link to send emails to Beacon Hill leadership voicing opposition to the expansion of the plan. Dan Foley at expects to know a bit more by July 1st when the new budget is due.
The Massachusetts House of Representatives says "No", striking the AAA/RMV provision from the 2010 budget.
However, the MA Senate left the provision in, so now its fate is to be decided in committee, where it could be kept as is, struck entirely, or rewritten as a compromise.
What do you think? Would removing AAA members from registry lines make it easier to register your vehicle?
Or, do you think it's unfair to single out one company to provide these services. No one asked Better World Club if we would like to register drivers. Does this give AAA an unfair advantage when it comes to auto club memberships? Auto insurance sales?
Email us to let us know. We'll report the results.
And Massachusetts readers should let their legislators know. It's easy. Senators Steven Panagiotakos (D-Lowell), Michael Knapik (R-Westfield) and Stephen Brewer (D-Barre) can be reached through House members Charlie Murphy (D-Burlington), Barbara L'Italien (D-Andover) and Vincent Pedone (D-Watertown) can be reached through
In Michigan the AAA can process registrations I think and it works to unclog the line at the Secretary of States office. However I register my vehicle over the internet and then they send me my stickers over the mail. I don't really care to deal with AAA in any form, and hate that they are lobbying my elected officials, I wish BWC would lobby voters not officials. I spell "Lobby" as "Bribe", in actuality that is what it is and AAA is a big one as are many nonprofits!
Anonymous, At
June 9, 2009 at 5:29 AM
Did the voters elect AAA to office? Corporate takeover of public functions has proven to be a disaster.
Unknown, At
June 9, 2009 at 9:59 AM
When the work of state employees is outsourced, the taxpayers almost always lose. Usually those who need the services provided lose also. State employees are usually underpaid, and most work hard and try to do a good job. The state makes no profit. Outsourcing the work to a private entity almost always results in a poor job being done for more money than state employees would cost.
Tim, At
June 9, 2009 at 11:48 AM
Yes, it's a good service and benefits not only AAA members but all Mass MV patrons, as well. Rather than dispute AAA's right to provide this service, BWC should be in line scrambling for the right to offer the same services!
koderken, At
June 11, 2009 at 8:16 AM
Here in NY sporting goods stores process state hunting and fishing license applications and issue licenses. Fortunately the DMV doesn't operate that way.
If I were in Massachusetts I would definitely write to the Governor and state reps about this outsourcing.
Anonymous, At
July 28, 2009 at 2:04 PM
AAA has been doing automobile registrations in California for years. Why is this such a big deal?
Anonymous, At
August 10, 2009 at 8:27 AM
We could accomplish much more if we would stop attacking AAA and decide what WE can do and offer to make commuting, and the planet, a better place. We really need to stop obsessing over anything that AAA does. It's a real turn-off to hear the constant litany of complaints against that organization.
Anonymous, At
August 10, 2009 at 8:32 AM
It seems to me not an obsession, just an observation of what your competitor is doing in a competitive environment. Who are the "we" you are referring to? What do you think "we" should do? In my opinion, AAA is WAY overrated! If you want to save money, help the planet and foster legitimate competition, the choice is really simple. BWC.
Anonymous, At
August 5, 2010 at 9:32 AM
Anonymous, At
December 8, 2010 at 11:55 AM
see about a woman who was beaten up by tow truck driver sent by AAA
Anonymous, At
January 4, 2011 at 3:33 PM
@Anonymous time stamped: August 5, 2010 9:32 AM--- YES it IS a total BIG TURN OFF and if you ask me a complete waste of time constantly comparing/berating AAA. Why can't BWC stand on its own merit? I don't see AAA berating BWC, they probably don't care. It would be akin to Pepsi saying don't drink Coke because they are a bad company and do bad things and besides Pepsi tastes just like Coke anyways. I would rather BWC spend its resources finding and promoting solutions.
@Anonymous re: AAA Problems and tow driver allegedly beating up a woman, please read the website the unsubstantiated claims are like TWENTY YEARS OLD!!!
I have no doubt that BWC may indeed be an alternative to AAA, and so is Geico, Nationwide, AllState, AARP, etc. Why the AAA bashing??? Seems like somebody cannot stand on their own two feet...or make that tow truck wheels!
thecomedychick, At
February 15, 2011 at 11:02 AM
Thank you for this post. Found it very informative.
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