Better World Club

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Eat Out With Conscience

(You'll Feel Better About That Fridge Full of Unused Food From the Co-op)

"You don't pay more to dine green, but the planet pays less when you do." The Green Restaurant Association, a national nonprofit, was founded in 1990 to provide convenient and cost-effective ways for all restaurants to become more environmentally responsible. From providing environmental assessments to establishing credibility through its certification process and working with media to provide positive exposure, the GRA can help restaraunts of all niches and sizes get green. . .which is seriously important considering that restaurants use the most electricity in the retail sector and use hundreds of thousands of gallons of water per year per location.

The GRA also makes it easy for diners to choose green options for eating out. A tool at the GRA website lets users search among thousands of certified green restaurants by category, rating, location, or keyword. The site also assists consumers in encouraging their favortite eateries to become more environmentally responsible.

Start greening your restaurant experience now!

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