Better World Club

Monday, January 10, 2011

100% of BWC Staff Surveyed Agree:

Take Our Membership Survey!

Sure, We Only Asked our President -- but Still, Numbers Don't Lie

We love hearing from our members. You know, thank you cards, thank you gifts, award nominations...any token of appreciation, really. We also understand that our members are exciting and busy people who can't always remember to visit the website to send us an email with their feedback. So, we've drawn up a survey to let you get it all out in one place.

In addition to providing our members with an easy opportunity to comment on their experiences with our services, our survey is designed to collect data on how our customers feel about the environmental and social responsibility issues that relate to the Club's operating mission. After all, open communication is essential to maintaining a healthy relationship. We hope you know that we're listening. Your needs are important. Once we have our results, we're excited to use them in planning and developing new membership services and online features.

The survey shouldn't take any more than 15 minutes to complete, and we know that all of our non-businesspeople members still resent not being able to respond to our last survey in November. So what's 15 minutes, right? Now's your chance to let us know what you think!

The current survey is, however, only to be completed by Better World Club members, present or past. If you're not a member and really can't wait to get in on the question answering fun, there's no better time to join! And do it soon, because we won't be collecting data after January 24th, 2011.

Thanks for your help! We're sure you'll like the future even better.

Take our membership survey now!

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