Better World Club

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Drivers Aren't Getting Kicks on Route 66

Americans Drove Almost 10 BILLION Fewer Miles in May

Are You One of the Many Dusting Off Your Old Bike? You May Want to Add Bicycle Roadside Assistance to your Existing Auto Coverage

The Federal Highway Administration has just released driving stats for the month of May.

Americans drove almost 255 billion miles this May, 9.6 billion fewer miles than in May 2007. Not only was it the biggest decline ever recorded for the month of May, it also was the third largest monthly drop.

Mass transit ridership has increased, as has telecommuting. Many are looking at 4-day workweeks as a way to cut down on gas consumption, including school districts all over the country, as well as the state government of Utah.

There's also been a renewed interest in bicycle commuting, which is great not only from environmental and economic standpoints, but also for our personal health (Americans aren't the most obese people in the world, but we're close).

If you're driving less and riding your bike more, you can add the nation's only Bicycle Roadside Assistance to your current auto plan for only $17 for a year's worth of coverage. Click here to learn more about our bike program. You can add bike coverage to your current plan at any time by calling BWC Customer Service at 866-238-1137.

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