Better World Club

Monday, January 10, 2011

Weather Underground

You Don't Need Bill Ayers to Know Which Way the Wind Blows

But This Weather Underground Can Help You Prepare for Your Next Trip

All that rain in sunny California and then that huge blizzard in New York? We've been having some strange weather lately. And whether that's the result of global warming (weirding?) or not, it's nice to know what to expect from the weather at your destination before a trip.

Weather Underground is a comprehensive website that combines your run of the mill meteorology with blogs, photos and videos, trip planning, and activity recommendations. Plus, the Weather Underground's interactive, searchable WunderMap provides real time information from radar and weather stations across the world. Rain at your destination? Snowed in at the airport? You could spend your whole vacation playing with the map!

What's more, you can even register for access to select information -- just like in a real underground network! (But without the danger and hassle of all the bombings.) What's the current climate at the Pentagon? Haymarket Square? With the Weather Underground, talking weather isn't just idle chit chat.

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