We Win!
Uh, Of Course We Mean: America Wins! And the Environment Wins as President Obama Implements California's Auto Emissions' Standards Nationwide
BWC Has Been Working for Six Years to Get These Regs Approved State-by-State. Now with a Wave of a Pen They're Going to be Applied Nationwide.
OK, We'll Share the Credit... President Obama has dramatically changed the rules for auto emissions standards, and put an end to seven years of debate.
On May 19, Obama unveiled new nationwide standards to regulate fuel economy and greenhouse-gas emissions from cars and light trucks. Present at the announcement were the nation's ten largest automakers, the UAW, and leading environmental groups.
Starting in 2012, fuel efficiency will be increased by more than 5% each year. In 2016, cars will be required to achieve 39 mpg and light trucks will be required to achieve 30 mpg (as compared to the 27.5 mpg and 24 mpg required today).
After years of lawsuits, threats, petitions, and tens of millions of dollars spent in legal fees, President Obama has finally put this issue to rest.
Now, we don't want to say that President Obama stole BWC's thunder on this issue, but let's be honest: he totally did. On occasions far too numerous to count (okay, ten times), BWC put the word out, organizing and encouraging members to lobby their representatives and the EPA on this very issue.
And then, out of nowhere, President "Johnny-Come-Lately" Obama decides to apply the standards nationwide! Who knew he was even paying attention to this issue? We're not saying that he stole the idea from us, but 'Kicking Asphalt' does have a subscriber with the email address "ArugulaLover@whitehouse.gov". Very suspicious.
Still, politics is about sharing credit, so we'll be big about it. Welcome aboard, Mr. President. Now, we think we can help you out on this cap-and-trade thing. How about giving us a call at 866-238-1137...
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